A Humorous Story: Who Partied at Grandmas House?

Halloween in Lahaina on Maui is the biggest, most extravagent Halloween in most of the world. Thousands upon thousands of people come to Lahaina for the holiday, some spending months and thousands of dollars designing their costume. The winner of the costume contest wins $1,000. Some spend more than that to make the costume, but whatever it may be spending halloween there and viewing all of the people and costumes is super fun. 

Anyways a few friends of mine and I stay out at my grandmas house past lahaina for the evening. My grandma is gone so we get the house, with permission from my parents. However a details was missed- does grandma know we stay there? We cleaned the house to a dime, but were lazy and left a few details askrew…

Fast forward 2 months later to December, my grandma, dad, and I are in the car heading to her house to drop her off. After arriving at the house, grandma makes a few comments ‘why is the floor dirty?’ (theres only probably a speck of dust), and ‘why didn’t the cleaner put a trashbag in the trash’…I looked at my dad who was smiling knowingly and he said ‘you better do a quick sweep of the house’. So I ran around the house and outside like a mad man trying to hide any other evidence we were ever there. Showed the towels from the dryer into the bathrooms and fluffed the pilows.

Coming back down happily thinking I’d gotten away with it, grandma gently blaming the cleaners, she opens the dishwasher and her jaw drops. She sees a full dishwasher of clean dishes and whips her head around “OH MY GOD SOMEONE HAD A PARTY HERE!!!” 

She proceeds yelling going through who it could have possibly been and who had a key. Meanwhile I stand there waving my arms in a panic but also laughing hysterically at the situation. My dad is laughing as well and egging her on trying to figure out who it could have been. She concludes that it is the cleaners son…Kahana…

My dad grabs the phone and yells to call him right there, right then. So I yell “STOP!!! IT WAS ME ON HALLOWEEN! I was given permission by my parents I thought they told you”. She stopped and was silent for a second, then said “oh…that is alright…” And we didn’t speak of it anymore. 

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